


Scooby Doo


About Me

Learn a little more about me!

General Info

Hey there, I'm Stephanie. I'm 18 with xx years experience (teehee) and was born, raised, and still live in New Zealand. I graduated university in February 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts in History. I like to game. I'm still learning how to crochet. More to come, lol.


I can't remember exactly when I first came across a fanlisting - 2002 or 2003 maybe? I also can't remember what my first fanlisting was! I became a trouble checker in around late 2003/early 2004 then became a category staffer around Easter 2005 - I remember that because my mother and I had gone away for the weekend and I came home to find THAT email sitting in my inbox! I resigned from my staffer position in December 2014. However, I got back into the fanlisting world in 2023 - my interest in opening/running FLs had returned - and I've been trouble checking since October 2023.

The number of fanlistings I've run over the years has varied - I think I was into the 40s at some point. I have now gone from 7 to 14 and I have ideas for a few more.